Hai temang temang , sekarang gue mau curcol sedikit atau mungkin banyak haha , oke mulai!
Laziness Makes A Man So Slow That Pov Ertty Soon Overtake Him. #pearl words
Jumat, 29 April 2011
Habis Habis semuaa!
Selasa, 26 April 2011
I want to...
Hai ppl☺sorry long time no post ya hehe , oke sekarang gue mau ngepost hmm tentang yang ada diatas itu #judulmaksudnya kalian semua pasti tau dong gimana gue? setiap barang yang gue liat dimana mana pasti rasanya gue pengen beli , walau sebenernya gue udah punya entahlah mungkin itu kegemaran gue (?) hobi gue (?) atau penyakit? gak masuk akal ya , oke gue bakal ngasih contoh :
oke segitu aja ya gue ngepost , besok dilanjut lagi babay :-D
pertama , Tas
kedua , sepatu
ketiga , kacamata
kemaren gue jalan jalan terus ketemu tas , ya menurut gue sih bagus gitu , tapi gue gajadi beli soalnya gue udah punya , tapi gatau kenapa gue gabisa ngelupain tas itu #loh? iya sumpah , rasanya gue pengen beli , nah itu yang pertama
besoknya gue jalan jalan LAGI haha , ke toko sepatu tapi gatau namanya gue ngeliat sepatu baguuus a , gue mau beli tapi gak dibolehin sama mamak gue jahatnyaa! :( sampe itu sepatu kebawa mimpi , lebay ya? emang
yang kedua setelah gue check di rumah sakit minus gue nambah dikit lah berapa gitu , terus mau ganti kacamata akhirnya dibolehin tapi tapi tapi .. oke gue gak dibeli belikan setengah mati gue ngerengek sampek termewek mewek haha emmak gue bilang ''iya iya kan gak harus sekarang ? besok kan bisa '' itu kalimat andalan bisa dibilang Favoritnya emmak gue ketika gue ngerengek pengen dibelikan kacamata , oke gue sabar aja tapi kalok ada orang yang mau belikan gue kacamata gue terima dengan lapang dada haha
oke segitu aja ya gue ngepost , besok dilanjut lagi babay :-D
Senin, 18 April 2011
Jumat, 15 April 2011
i am bored
Yes according to the title, I really really bored! I'm bored with it all! I wanted to change schools! I'm sick of the school-oo-PIG! why there's always the same person I envious? why? my bad you are beautiful, I'm stupid you are smart! satisfied do you?! anything because I often play the same guy as you so I'm really envious? You also can not play with them? how envious I was the same? What's my advantage in the eyes of you? my many shortcomings bro! while you many advantages that you've got, keep what you lack?
YES! This world does not have a perfect human being, all humans must have had a shortage and excess - but I think you've got a lot of advantages I think you're even the perfect man! : o
YES! This world does not have a perfect human being, all humans must have had a shortage and excess - but I think you've got a lot of advantages I think you're even the perfect man! : o
Kamis, 14 April 2011
hi! I came back, this time I'll story of troubled, from yesterday I was upset until now, do not know why -, - want the same friends so his story is not important but ah really only upset because because I wrote the story -, - but over time I increasingly troubled-__-you must know about what's right? of the ITU which always makes me upset, for some reason: o
how do I eliminate the confusion? This is very annoying-__-god please!
because this is all because of you! if only you're not with him - I'm not going to upset! but now have started a little relieved, because I have a friend who gave spirit (?) haha
but my one friend who sometimes makes me not upset anymore - but I do not know because this could give the secret! HAHA
how do I eliminate the confusion? This is very annoying-__-god please!
because this is all because of you! if only you're not with him - I'm not going to upset! but now have started a little relieved, because I have a friend who gave spirit (?) haha
but my one friend who sometimes makes me not upset anymore - but I do not know because this could give the secret! HAHA
Baca secara fonetik
Rabu, 06 April 2011
notitleBRO! ~
gue pengen curhat sedikit ya *ups tentang temen gue - sebenernya bukan temen ya , musuh bisa dibilang -- gelak anak itu sumvah .___.V gak bohong setiap hari pasti aja naik darah muluk (re:Marah) ya nggak sama temennya lah , sama guru , sama siapa aja yang ada disekitarnya , termasuk gue? iya gue! puas lo? jadi manusia gak bisa santai sekali sih -,- gue nanggepin baik baik , dia nya malah esmoseh! gimana nggak ikut esmoseh yang ngajak ngomong aja kagak bisa santai ! hah! kan jadi kebawa esmoseh dah gueeeeeeeeeeee! zz--"
Lasoooooooooooooooooo! -,-
-lanjut ke topik yang lain
aaaah~~ bang?sat jan?cok gi?la baji?ngan!!
eh sorry kata kata yang diatas itu nggak gue sensor! itu kata buat ELO!
#yang merasa tersindir maap yaa *ups
eh eh sorry ya ngomongnya nggak sopan , karena ge lagi esmoseh #di maklumi aja
aaaaaaaaaaaa lupakan gue mau cerita apaan -,- gara gara kebawak esmoseh sih!
udah ah mau ngerjain tugas BRB ~~ bye :-D
Sabtu, 02 April 2011
Jumat, 01 April 2011
Sorry ! Long time no post - hehe
Yap! setuju sama judul nya , sorry sorry sorry blog ku long time no post because I'm busy with my school , so very very busy! a lot of homework, tests, tasks that pile up . oke STOP basa basinya haha - oh iya kemaren gue tiga bulanan loh , tepat nya pas tanggal 13 maret 2011 huehehe - seneng loh akhirnya gue bisa jadian selama itu aaa :D very very happy ! walaupun gue nggak dikasih apapun sama dia tapi gue tetep sayang kok huehehe #jadi curhat kan sorry ya *ups . memang sih selama gue jadian sama dia nggak ada yang special itu lah yang gue pinginin ! gue cuman pengen yang biasa biasa aja haha ;) okeh okeh segitu aja gue cerita tentang tiga bulanan gue yang lalu intinya tanggal 12 april 2011 nanti gue f.o.u.r month! ohyeah! semoa gue langgeng yaaaa - amins :*
-eh lanjut ke cerita yang lain yaa , mm apaan ya? gue mau cerita apaan? u,u binun oh iyaa , gue punya temen #yaiyalah , nama nya Fetty Ghaessani nah dia punya blog , sumpret! gue minder ngiri banget sama blog nya dia! eh sumpreeeeeeeeet gelak! blognya dia bagoes banget , yang nge follow dia pun banyak coba lihat yang nge follow gue? cuman TIGA BELAS book! eh dari dulu nggak nambah nambah , gue berulang kali ngeliat blognya semakin hari semakin bagoes , menarik gitu buat dia baca post nya , keren dah :9 gue ngiri sumpreeeeeeeeet! dia sih jagonya yang ngedit begituan , makanya blog nya jadi bagus , nah gue? blog gue? apa bagusnya? aplikasi aplikasi aja udah basi nggak menarik-,- satu lagi ada temen nya pety namanya Rini Asmiyati - eh sumpreeet! anak ini malah tambah bikin gue MINDER BOOK! sumpah yang ngefollow aja 106? gelak! tapi jujur blognya Fetty sama Rini emang bagoes sih-__- eh jujur banget ya , gue ngiri berat nih! bingung cara mempercantik blog #alah emang apaan-____-''
Astaga salah! - -a
Tau maksud yang diatas? #maksudnya judul , gue salah ngetik book! gelak - barusan aja beberapa menit yang lalu gue buka Blog ini - setelah itu gue nge-check Chabox (re:cebox) nah disitu ada orang yang nulis ''Very cool post'' - habis itu gue nulis 'thank you so much!' di RUMUZ (re:nama) #bahasa mana gitu gue lupa , baru nama gue - gue tarok di MESAJINIZ (re: pesan) pas gue nge-klik YOLLA - eh pas muncul di cbox nya malah tulisan "thank you so much! : afifah" astaga baru nyadar kalok gue salah nulis astaman-_-gelak malunya nanti kalok ada yang ngeliat cbox gue :o yaalloh malu ah -_-
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